这是一张林涛的全家福 英语怎么说


1. 这是一张林涛的全家福 英语怎么说

This is a Zhang Lintao’s family portrait。

这是一张林涛的全家福 英语怎么说

2. 求翻译…………完形的

It was Lin Tao’s first visit to England. He was looking 36 to his first journey on London’s Underground Railway. Against 37 of his friends he decided to go alone. 


He 38 the station shortly after five o’clock in the afternoon. This is a 39 time to travel in London because too many people go home 40 work at this hour. He had to join a long line of people 41 were waiting for tickets. When 42 his turn came, he had some difficulty in making himself understood by the man 43 tickets. However, he got the right 44 in the end and by asking people the 45 he also found the right platform. It was crowed with people. He did not manage to get on the first train, 46 he was able to move nearer the edge of the platform so as to be in a better position to 47 the next one. 


When this train came in, Lin Tao was swept forward on to the train by the rush of people from behind. The doors 48 and the train moved off. He was 49 to see the names of the stations 50 the train stopped, but he knew that the station he wanted was the sixth stop along the line. When the train reached the sixth station, Lin Tao got off, 51 glad that his journey had been so easy. But he suddenly 52 that he had come to a station he 53 ! He explained his difficulty to a man standing on the platform. With a smile 54 his face, the man told Lin Tao that he 55 a train going in the opposite direction. The train had come to a small town, the name of which sounded very strange. 

这列火车进来时,林涛感到飘飘然的火车向前急人从后面。48,火车门走开了。他是49看到他的名字50。该等电台的火车停了,但他知道他想要的是车站沿着这条线的第六站。火车什么时候到达第六站,林涛下车了,51高兴他长途跋涉是如此简单。但他突然52他已到了车站他53 !他解释说,他很难一个人站在讲台上。54他的脸上带着微笑,他告诉林涛,他55火车朝相反的方向。火车已经来到一个小镇,看起来很奇怪的名字。

36. A. forward B. toward C. upward D. downward 

36岁。答:向前向上向下向c > b

37. A. an advice B. the advice C. advice D. advise 

37岁。答:一个忠告> >的建议包括建议意见

38. A. arrived B. got C. hurried D. entered 

38人。答:到达了> > b急忙走了进来

39. A. short B. well C. good D. bad 


40. A. for B. at C. from D. before 


41. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 

41。答:谁的谁> > b

42. A. at first B. at last C. at least D. at most 

42。答:首先b .最后c至少四最多

43. A. sell B. to sell C. selling D. sold 

43。答:卖出售> > b销售出售

44. A. platform B. station C. ticket D. taxi 

44。答:平台c > b站票出租车

45. A. road B. way C. path D. means 

45人。答:路方式> > b路径手段

46. A. and B. or C. but D. so 


47. A. get on B. get off C. get up D. get down 

47条。答:上车下车起床b > >下来

48. A. open B. opened C. close D. closed 

48人。答:打开b > >打开关闭关闭

49. A. able B. unable C. sure D. possible 

49。答:能不能确定b > >是可能的

50. A. which B. that C. before D. where 

50岁。哪个这c d之前的地方

51. A. feeling B. felt C. fell D. fallen 

51人。答:感觉> > b感到了下降

52. A. recognized B. understood C. realized D. felt 


53. A. have never listened to B. had never heard of 


C. had never listened D. has never heard 

从来没有听> >从未听过

54. A. in B. on C. of D. to 


55. A. had bought B. had sat C. had driven D. had caught 

55岁。答:买了b > >坐驱逐了



36—40 ABDDC 41—45 ABCCB 46—50 CADBD 51—55 ACBBD

3. 英语题解答

6、---What am I ______ to do when I meet the president?
   ---You should keep calm and be polite.
A. allowed    B. ordered    C. suggested    D. supposed
选 D   be supposed to do固定词组搭配,意思为:应该

7、---Do you like folk music?
   --- Yes, I not only like it, but also have good ______ in it.
A. taste    B. interest    C. topic    D. duty
选B 注意后面的in    have good interest in sth意思为对某事物有很大的兴趣
A意思为口味,爱好,但不说have good taste in it

13、It there anyone in your class _____ family is in the country?
A. who    B. whose    C. whom    D. whick
还原进去就是表示对anyone's family is in the country提出疑问

14、---Do you know when and where the computer ______?
     --- Yes, In 1946 in America.
A. invented    B. has invented    C. was invented   D. had invented
选C 这里有个时间提醒关键词in 1946

15、---Could you please tell me ______ ?
--- You can take the No.25 bus and get off at the last stop.
A. how I Can get to the library
B. how can I get to the library
C. where Can I get to the library
D. where I can get to the library
对后面的从句一定要用陈述句,除了特殊的what's matter
本句意思为 你能告诉我我怎么去图书馆吗?因此用how

17、The train leaves ______ 7 o’clock, so you’d better be there ______ 6:40
A. at; by    B. at; for    C. on; by    D. on; on
选A  at 7 o'clock 固定搭配,请了解,英语没有为什么
后句,在6:40请你最好到达这里。by不迟于; 在…时候   

18、---What ______ you English teacher ______?
--- She is thin with long black hair?
A. is; look like    B. is; like    C. on; by    D. on; on
选A   本句意思为你的英语老师长得什么样子?
What's you English teacher look like?即为问长得什么样子

20、---My father bought some chocolate from Africa. Would you like to have some?
A. Yes, I would    B. Yes, I do     C. No, I wouldn’t    D. Yes, please
选D 像这样would u like to do的回答

II、 用插号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子
21、You can see many _____ people in Guangzhou. (Africa)
African 非洲的【形容词】修饰后面名词people
22、A real gentleman never behaves ______(rude)
rudely 粗鲁地【副词】  因为前面有动词behave
24、The Internet has brought us a lot of ______ in our daily life.(convenient)
convenience方便【名词】  a lot of可修饰不可数名词
25、Red is ______ colour in China.(luck)
lucky 幸运的【形容词】 修饰后面名词colour

III、 按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词
34、I don’t think Tom knows the key to the question, _____ ______?
does he   当主语为我时,后面的反义疑问句主语根据从句中的人物性别

I don’t think Tom knows the key to the question, ____ ______ ?
does he

35、We went to Australia for our winter holiday.(对画线部分提问)
______ _______  you  _____ for your winter holiday. 
Where did go


4. 林涛家庭信息(英语)作文5○词及家庭情况

There are four members in LinTao’s family,they are his father,his mother,his sister and him . His father is a teacher.He is tall and strong with round face,big eyes,high nose and small mouth.He loves reading e-news on the Internet.His mother is a housewife.She is beautiful.She takes care of themhis father,his sister and him .She likes shopping on-line.And he is a student.He and his sister both like reading books.

5. 早晨汤姆见到林涛,相互问好,林涛指着一个橘子问汤姆,橘子用英语怎么说,如何拼写并问橘子是什么颜色。

Lin Tao:Good morning,Tom.

Tom:Good morning,Lin Tao.
Lin Tao:what’s  this in English?
Tom:It is an orange.
Lin Tao:Can you spell it?
Tom:Yes,o r a n g e“ orange”
Lin Tao:what’s  the colour is it ?
Tom:It is  orange(这里的orange 是橘黄色的意思)


6. 根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置上。假如你是一名叫林涛(Lin Tao)的中学生,看了

     Dear Editor,I read the stories on Life in China today. I prefer the story about air pollution because environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious today. As we know, too many cars have made the air unhealthy. Water is polluted and there is less and less fresh water on the earth. What’s worse, we can see rubbish wherever we go. So in order to live a better life, we need to do something for the earth. As students, we shouldn’t litter about and we could collect empty bottles and waste paper for recycling. Besides, we’d better ride a bike or walk to school instead of taking a car. Anyway, let’s try our best to protect the environment.Yours,Lin Tao         试题分析:这是一篇提纲作文。本文所给提纲内容清晰,要求明确。动笔前要认真审题,挖掘深层内涵,简要勾勒要点,并适当发挥。行文中要注意人称、时态,以及主谓一致问题。同时适当使用连接词,使上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。【亮点说明】这篇短文内容涵盖了所有的要点,表达准确,意思连贯,符合逻辑。在文章的组织上能够灵活使用简单句和复合句,使文章结构自然流畅。同时,文章还使用了一些的固定句式和短语,如:more and more、less and less 、as we know、What’s worse、in order to、live a better life、litter about、had better、instead of、try our best to以及连接词so 、besides、anyway等,这为文章增色不少。在学习中注意积累,掌握一些常用句式及短语的用法,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理。    

7. 七年级英语题

完成句子1.有很多人在这儿度假。There are many people  here  for holidays.   2.我们正在巴黎街头漫步,那里阳光明媚。We are in Paris, walking  in the street. It’s so beautiful a day.    3.–天空正在下雨时,你在干什么?   -我在看书。-What are you doing when it’s raining?  -I am reading a book.    4.一些人正在公园唱歌,另一些人正在骑自行车。In the park, some are singing songs, others are riding bikes.   5.我感到很惊讶,他们能在这样热的天气中踢足球。I am surprised they can play soccer in such a hot weather.6."天津的天气怎么样?"“在下雪呢。”“ How is the weather in Tianjin?"“It is snowing.7.看!树下每个人玩得都很高兴。Look! Everyone is haveing a good time under the tree.  8.谢谢你回答我的问题。Thank you for answering my quetions.  9.他们正在给孩子们照相。They are taking pictures of the children .  10有些人在看书,有些人在听音乐。Some people are reading books , and some are listening to music.  11.海滩上有许多人在度假。There are many people spending holidays on the beach.  12.看!多么有趣的地方啊!Look!What a funny place!   13.他姑姑现在正在美国。His aunt is in America right now,  14.—北京的天气怎么样?—在下雪呢.—       How is the   weather      in Beijing?—It   is snowing.              .  15.看!公园里他们玩得都很高兴.Look! They are    having a good time      in the park16.你看电视时你妈妈通常干什么?What    does your mother usually  do    when you are watching TV?  17.看!他们正在给孩子们照相.Look! They are taking pictures    of the children.   18.这群人躺在沙滩上.The group of people are   lying      on the  beach.      19.你看起来很酷.You   look     very  cool      .  20.有很多人在中国度假.There are many people in China   for holidays.            .   21听起来真棒!That sounds   great.              .  22我是林涛,你是汤姆吗?(电话用语)    This is    Lin Tao.      Is that           Tom?  23.当冬天来临时,天经常下雪.It often snows        when   winter    comes.  24. 这是我的一些照片Here are some of my photos  25. 你在干什么?等朋友。--- What are  you doing?  --- I’m waiting for my friends.   26. 感谢您收看天气预报节目。	Thank you for watching the Weather Show.        27. 周末大家都很轻松。	Everyone is pretty relaxed on weekends.


8. 帮忙把下面的英文翻译成中文吧。

【Lin  Tao  wants  to  put  a  box  of  book  on  the  desk  .  But  it  is  not  light  .  He  would  like  Wang  fei  to  help  him .  Wang  Fei  puts  it  on  the  desk  with  Lin  Tao  .  After  ther  ,they  have  something  to  drink  in Lin  Tao ' s  room  .    They  drink  two  glasses  of  milk  , two  bottles  of    orange  juice  and  eat   some  bread  . At  five  in  the  afternoom  ,  Wang  Fei  goes  home .】 林涛希望把一箱书放在办公桌上。但它并不轻。他想王飞,可以帮助他。王飞与林涛一起把它放到桌上。在那里,他们在林涛的房间里休息。他们喝两杯牛奶,两瓶橙汁,吃一些面包。在下午5点王飞回家。